Over the course of more than a decade, BBB developed master plans to protect historic assets, achieve major sustainability benchmarks, and enhance livability on campus.
BBB was engaged by the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) to develop a Master Plan guiding development of their campus over the next ten years. This work follows an original Campus Master Plan prepared by BBB in 2002 and updated in 2008 to incorporate a comprehensive overlay of campus sustainability issues in response to new state climate change initiatives. BBB's most recent plan provides the campus with a strategic framework yielding clear direction for growth, infrastructure capacity, funding, and phasing of future developments. This rural campus has grown from its landmarked historic core, founded in 1886, to approximately 741 acres with an additional 385 acres in satellite locations. The nationally-recognized historically black college (HBCU) is now part of the University System of Maryland. Over the past decade, the University has achieved significant sustainability benchmarks and was named the nation's most eco-friendly HBCU. This success is rooted in the institution's sustained commitment to green infrastructure and was guided by BBB's 2008 sustainability overlay. The most recent effort is intended to achieve the goals of the next generation of University leadership and to better align the planning vision with updated academic programs and growth projections. The final plan continues to be a flexible framework providing comfortable, safe, and better-connected spaces and facilities for students, faculty, and visitors.