Credit: Beyer Blinder Belle

Lehigh University, Campus Master Plan

Building on Lehigh University's rich campus history, mountainside setting, and urban context, a comprehensive master plan complements the University Strategic Plan, preserving and enhancing Lehigh's unique position as a "residential research campus."

The Lehigh University Master Plan supports strategic goals for campus growth, housing, transportation, sustainability, the pedestrian experience, and community engagement. The plan capitalizes on the residential quality of the campus and an integrated approach to teaching and research while taking into consideration emerging opportunities within Lehigh's three campus areas and the South Bethlehem community. The integration of physical, strategic and capital planning is the core of the planning approach. A collaborative process between Lehigh and BBB interweaves the Master Plan with Strategic Plan goals to provide a physical manifestation of the values, mission and priorities of the University. Planning principles include building on the rich history of the campus, making optimal use of existing resources and strategic use of new development by encouraging adaptive reuse of historic buildings, and building in an environmentally sustainable manner. A significant on-campus outreach effort utilizing interactive technology ensured that student, faculty, and administrative staff participated in the plan. This was complemented by engagement with neighboring institutions, private developers, and the City, to support Lehigh's role as an active partner in the renaissance of the surrounding community. The master plan has enabled projects including a center for the study of globalization at Williams Hall, and innovative research space at the Mountaintop campus.



Lehigh University


Bethlehem, PA


1,600 acres




Partner, Director of Planning & Urban Design
Managing Partner