The Phillips Exeter Academy Campus Plan addresses programmatic needs with a Framework of Opportunities – flexible planning options emphasizing stewardship of resources and the architectural legacy of the campus.
Designed for the unique needs of an independent residential secondary school, the Campus Plan outlines a range of physical planning options for the continuing evolution of the Exeter campus in advance of the 250th anniversary of its founding in 1781. The plan enables current and emerging institutional priorities and programmatic needs, while preserving the historic significance and beauty of the campus design and noted architectural landmarks. The plan was developed based on engagement with over 700 members of the Exeter community in workshops, open houses, online surveys, alumni and parent events, and focus group meetings. Building on the Harkness method of learning pioneered at Exeter, the process ensured a thorough understanding of lived experiences and campus issues and built consensus around a vision for the future. The resulting plan identifies a series of near- and long-term programmatic opportunities that emphasize environmental stewardship and the renewal and adaptive reuse of historic buildings, with limited new construction only where necessary. The variety of physical improvement opportunities support all members of the Exeter community, promoting access, inclusion, and diversity of experience, and addressing improvements to academics, student experience, residential life, faculty needs, and administrative space.
Phillips Exeter Academy
Exeter, NH
936 acres, including a 192-acre core campus
Kyle Zick Landscape Architecture, IncLandscape Architecture
Atelier TenSustainability
VermeulensCost Estimating