LEED Gold – Behind the Scenes

BBB’s office at 120 Broadway in lower Manhattan recently achieved LEED Gold status. Thank you to our design team who made this possible: Elizabeth Leber, Margaret Kittinger, Anna Grabowska, and Steve McCarthy. Designed in collaboration with our sustainability consultants YRG, select sustainable features which contributed to the LEED Gold recognition are listed below:
For active commuters, secure bicycle storage and changing rooms with a shower has been set aside within BBB’s space.
Low-flow fixtures will reduce indoor water use by an estimated 40.9% compared to conventional products.
Placing each studio along the perimeter of the office space brings in daylight where it is needed most, enabling a 28% lower lighting power density than required by code.
50% of the office’s energy is covered by renewable energy credits (RECs), which enable organizations in buildings where site constraints prevent onsite renewable energy to contribute an equivalent amount to offsite renewable energy projects.
Only three pounds of construction waste per square foot of office area were generated, which is 30% below the national average. This was achievable in part due to the minimal finishes in the interior design and the reuse of existing furniture and equipment.
Indoor Environmental Quality
Over 90% of employees have access to views from their desks, which helps to relieve stress and maintain healthy vision, and has been linked to improved overall health and productivity.
Low-emitting products were selected for all paints, adhesives, flooring, and furniture. Low-emitting products promote health by eliminating volatile organic compounds, which can cause long-term health issues.
An ongoing green cleaning program keeps air quality high and prevents environmental risks caused by conventional cleaning products.
Learn more about the LEED rating system on the USGBC’s website.
Read more about the project here.