A Framework Plan for the historic Amherst College campus creates a flexible housing strategy that adapts to evolving priorities and projects while abiding by strong guiding principles.
The Amherst College Framework Plan works at multiple scales and time horizons to balance current needs and future opportunities. The plan provides immediate direction for projects in development while coherently linking individual actions into an overarching vision for the future of the campus, including how physical design supports the College's Strategic Plan.
The initial planning process includes a robust engagement strategy with campus constituents to provide input into current capital projects. The resulting new framework for the East Campus, developed in collaboration with Payette Associates, includes a major new Science Center, student residence halls, and a Greenway landscape that tie new buildings and open spaces into the historic campus. An integrated sustainability framework uses energy modelling and ecological management strategies to identify the conservation measures and targets that will underpin campus growth over the next generation.
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.Landscape Architecture
van Zelm EngineersEngineering
VHB | Vanasse Hangen BrustlinTransportation & Parking
Dewing Schmid KearnsSpace Utilization
Atelier TenSustainability
Nitsch EngineeringStormwater
VermeulensCost Estimator