Rehabilitation of a historic 1906 factory building in Queens, one of the first cast-in-place concrete structures in New York City.
The Greenpoint Manufacturing and Design Center (GMDC), a non-profit developer of affordable industrial space, rehabilitates old factory buildings in Brooklyn and Queens. GMDC rents space to local manufacturing businesses in its mission to support industrial jobs and entrepreneurs in New York City. The building, constructed in 1906 for Spear & Company, was one of the first cast-in-place concrete structures in New York City, and has in the past served as a hat, candle, and bicycle factory. When rehabilitated, it will provide rental spaces for 25 small and medium sized manufacturing tenants. Extensive repairs will be made to the exposed concrete façade, and a full window replacement will replicate the distinctive design of the original ones. Loading and freight elevator facilities will be updated, and all mechanical and life safety systems will be completely replaced.
The design has been approved by the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and National Park Service (NPS) for preservation tax credits, and the project will be LEED certified. The roof will house an installation of 12,000 SF of photovoltaic panels to offset tenants' electrical costs. The project is eligible for "priority site" LEED points because of its location in an economically distressed census tract.
Construction Cost
Old Structures Engineering PCStructural
ads ENGINEERSMechanical/Electrical/Plumbing
B. Thayer AssociatesCivil Engineering
IROS Elevator Design ServicesVertical Transportation
Conversano AssociatesCode/Life Safety
Gregory Dietrich Preservation Consulting
Westernman Construction Co., Inc.Construction Manager
Westerman ConstructionConstruction Manager