Credit: BBB

Speak Up HVL: The 2017-2021 Community Sustainability Plan

A Community Sustainability Plan, rooted in engagement and feedback, builds consensus around community aspirations while ensuring that Hyattsville continues to be a Smart-Growth city.

In collaboration with the City of Hyattsville, BBB led the facilitation and planning effort comprising a two-part engagement strategy to solicit community visions and choices, for which it received the 2018 Award for Outstanding Plan from the American Planning Association, National Capital Area. The Plan addresses transportation and infrastructure; arts, entertainment and recreation; preservation, redevelopment and environment; community, identity and communication; and retail and commerce. Geographical areas include single-family and multi-family residential neighborhoods, a historic district, an arts and entertainment district, transit districts, and retail corridors. Goals and action items of the Plan offer sustainable, implementable goals, such as: Build upon Cultural Diversity and Arts through Programming and Events, Support the Affordability and Diversity of Housing Options, Strengthen Connectivity for Cyclists, and Grow in an Environmentally Friendly Sustainable Manner. Adopted by City Council, the Plan's implementation strategies identify near-term, mid-term, and long-term action items along with partners and potential funding resources.



City of Hyattsville


Hyattsville, MD


2.70 square miles




Partner, Director of the DC Office