BBB has undertaken a multitude of projects with the National Park Service that assist with achieving its mission of “caring for the American legacy.”
BBB has been working with the National Park Service (NPS) for nearly 40 years, holding multiple term contracts in the Northeast, National Capital, and Southeast regions. The projects range in size and scope from the re-creation of the 500 SF Winch House on the C&O Canal to the restoration of the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. Other projects with NPS include: Washington Monument New Visitor’s Entry; Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Visitor Contact Station; Thomas Edison National Historical Park; NPS — NCR Pre-planning Study for the Headquarters Buildings at Hains Point; Anthony Library Interior Rehabilitation; Resiliency Feasibility Studies and mitigation projects at Jacob Riis Bathhouses and Floyd Bennett Field; Jenkins Warehouse Rehabilitation; Thomas House Rehabilitation; Raleigh & Nashville National Cemeteries Restoration; Carter G. Woodson National Historic Site Historic Structure Report; and the Arlington House Visitor Amenities Upgrades.