A comprehensive redevelopment master plan for a 56-acre site in Glen Cove, NY envisions the dramatic rebirth of Glen Cove's waterfront area, which has served industrial uses for over a century.
Because of its history and the intensive efforts of state and local governments, the Glen Isle site was a nationally significant example of brownfield cleanup and revitalization. The plan transforms one of the nation's most contaminated sites into a series of vibrant new mixed-use waterfront neighborhoods with a wide variety of housing types, a hotel, waterfront retail, office space, a cultural arts district, diverse boating and maritime activities, and a substantial network of public parks, promenades, and open spaces. The plan augments physical and economic connections to the historic downtown core of Glen Cove, a short distance away,connecting the city to its waterfront with a multi-modal transportation including walkable neighborhood streets, an integrated bicycle network, a shuttle system, water taxis, and a ferry that links directly from the site to New York City.
M. Paul Friedberg and PartnersLandscape Architecture
PS&S EngineeringCivil Engineering
Greenberg Consultants Inc.Planning Consultant
Urbitran AssociatesTransportation
Great EcologyEcological Planning
Economics Research Associates (acquired by AECOM)Real Estate
VJ AssociatesCost Estimator