Leveraging our deep knowledge in preservation, BBB has helped safeguard globally significant sites on behalf of the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO), honoring architectural legacy and historical impact.
The U.S. Secretary of State maintains a portfolio of culturally significant properties and landscapes around the world, many of them landmarks in their host countries, renowned for their architecture, historic significance, or important geopolitical events that transpired within. These properties range in age, with styles including preeminent examples of Renaissance, neoclassical, Dutch and French colonial, and mid-century modern landmarks. BBB has completed numerous Historic Structure Reports (HSRs) and Cultural Significance Studies (CSSs) on behalf of OBO to determine the cultural significance of the resource, appraise its morphology by visual inspection, create a statement of significance, and recommend preservation zones. Task orders have included coordination with OBO, documentary research, direct observation, and photographic and graphic illustrations; some HSRs and CSSs have entailed additional requirements for conditions assessments, existing conditions drawings, and operations and maintenance plans.
U.S. Department of State Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations