Adams House Renewal Begins
In Harvard Magazine, BBB project team members Nate Rogers and Aaron Lamport discuss the renewal and future of Adams House.
June 11, 2019
by Nina Pasquini
On June 3, construction began on the renewal of Adams House, marking the start of a project slated to take place in three phases spanning four years, to be completed by August 2023. Adams is the sixth House to be renewed under a multi-decade renewal plan; its updating follows the partial renovations of Quincy and Leverett, and the full renewals of Dunster, Winthrop, and, most recently, Lowell, which will reopen this fall. Phase I of the Adams renewal—continuing into August of next year—will include renovations of Claverly Hall and Senior House, which serve as student residences, and the beginning stages of the work on Apthorp House, the historic home of the Adams House faculty deans. Because the rest of the House will remain open, only three “swing” buildings will be needed for displaced Adams residents during the coming academic year; other Houses undergoing renewal have required up to eight.
Read more in Harvard Magazine.