Spotlight on Affordable Housing

Social housing projects in and around NYC launched BBB’s portfolio in our early years. Our work to create affordable and accessible housing continues as we partner with cities, developers, and not-for-profits to plan and design communities that empower people.
Projects on the boards are pictured above from left to right, clockwise:
Catchlight Crossings, Orlando, FL: A new vision for affordable housing, designed to enhance the lifestyle of its residents.
Client: Wendover Housing Partners. Read more
405-407 West 206th Street, New York, NY: Three mixed-income towers planned and designed by BBB will contain market-rate and affordable homes, and house the Immigrant Research and Performing Arts Center led by Peoples Theatre Project.
Client: LMXD, Taconic Partners, & MSquared. Read more
Langston Terrace Dwellings, Washington, DC: Revitalization or a 1930s campus—designed & built by African Americans in the International Style—aims to empower residents through economic opportunity, improved quality of life, and increased connectivity.
Client: DC Housing Authority. Read more
Verdae Development Master Plan, Greenville, SC: A blueprint for a vibrant and inclusive mixed-use district to support innovative growth and opportunity.
Client: Hollingsworth Funds. Read more
BBB's current portfolio in social housing is informed by its past; we established our roots in affordable housing and community development. One of BBB’s first projects was a collaboration with Jane Jacobs and members of Manhattan’s Community Board 2 on a plan for the Greenwich Village waterfront. By seeking to re-use and revitalize buildings rather than demolish them, BBB was at the forefront of the sustainability movement. Pictured below are some of BBB's earliest affordable housing projects during the firm's first two decades.
In the 1970s, the firm’s work on historic buildings in sensitive urban sites was diversified with larger-scale planning projects in the tri-state area and beyond. At the end of its first decade, BBB had established itself as a mission-driven architecture and planning firm.