BBB's award-winning design for the Henry Luce III Center provides a modern exhibition facility within the fourth floor of the New-York Historical Society building.
BBB has worked at the New-York Historical Society's turn-of-the century home on Central Park West since 1993. In addition to the development of a master plan, BBB implemented a series of building campaigns, including the Henry Luce III Center for the Study of American Culture. Designed to display and provide access to the Society's $1 billion museum collection, the Luce Center includes interpretive exhibits that make the collection more accessible. Visitors can view the objects through glass and choose which to study, and scholars and researchers have direct access to the objects by appointment within a specially designed study area. A new mezzanine on the fourth floor provides additional areas for displays, tailored carefully to the specific needs of each type of object. The building envelope and systems are also designed to provide a state-of-the-art museum environment.
Construction Cost
ads ENGINEERSMechanical/Electrical/Plumbing
John Hilberry, Museum ConsultingArchitectural Consultant
American History WorkshopArchitectural Research
Domingo Gonzalez AssociatesLighting