Lower Concourse Planning Initiative

An urban design and investment framework to support affordable housing, job creation, and waterfront development in the South Bronx.

The Lower Concourse area has the potential to serve as a dynamic gateway to the Bronx with new affordable housing, expanded waterfront access, and job opportunities. The city's rezoning of waterfront sites from manufacturing to mixed-use through the creation of the Special Harlem River Waterfront District (SHRWD) in 2009 has not spurred significant affordable housing development along the waterfront, in large part due to infrastructure and connectivity challenges. This study creates a prioritized infrastructure investment framework grounded in a thorough analysis of existing infrastructure and public realm needs in order to provide the City with a roadmap for the allocation of $200 million in investments. Working with a multi-disciplinary team, BBB coordinated planning, economic, and infrastructure recommendations to maximize the benefits of the City's investment in a revitalized waterfront neighborhood. BBB worked closely with NYCEDC and NYCDCP to craft a special zoning district at Lower Concourse North, a City-owned site slated for affordable housing development.



New York City Economic Development Corporation


Bronx, NY


24 Acres




Partner, Director of Planning & Urban Design