An urban design master plan supports the rezoning and transformation of Willets Point from a 62-acre contaminated waterfront site into a model green neighborhood for New York City with mixed-income housing, retail and entertainment amenities, public open space, community facilities, a hotel, and a convention center.
BBB’s master plan for Willets Point in Queens leverages the presence of regional destinations including CitiField stadium to create an exciting retail and entertainment destination district anchoring a mixed-use neighborhood. The plan creates a walkable and environmentally sustainable community for up to 5,500 new housing units, including 35% affordable housing. Planning for the area is based on extensive community, city, and environmental reviews, and includes the creation of a new Special Zoning District as well as detailed design guidelines for development sites, streetscapes and public open spaces, which continue to inform the public-private development process in the course of implementing the project. The master plan is a pilot project for the LEED-ND (Neighborhood Development) program and has achieved Stage One certification from the US Green Building Council. A Bicycle & Pedestrian Connections Study creates more than nine miles of new bike lanes and improved pedestrian paths, promoting sustainable modes of transportation and helping complete the regional network of the New York City Bicycle Master Plan. The redevelopment plan, connections study, and Special Zoning District have established a basis for the long-term revitalization of a major link in the public spaces and neighborhood fabric of northern Queens and New York City.
M. Paul Friedberg and PartnersLandscape Architecture
HDRCivil Engineering
Eng-Wong, Taub & AssociatesTraffic & Transportation
URS CorporationTransportation
eDesign DynamicsEnvironmental
Davis LangdonSustainability