As master planner for the eight-campus Indiana University system over a ten-year period, BBB provided comprehensive planning services and designed several new campus buildings.
The eight-campus Indiana University system is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the United States. As master planners, BBB developed comprehensive plans for the Indianapolis and Bloomington campuses, addressed wide-ranging planning issues at all eight campuses, developed design guidelines, and coordinated design efforts for numerous new buildings, landscapes, and campus precincts. At the Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis campus (IUPUI), a comprehensive framework plan guided the evolution of an urban commuter campus dominated by parking into an increasingly residential and pedestrian-oriented campus with a new student center at the core, and residential and academic precincts connecting to downtown Indianapolis and the White River waterfront. The plan also supported significant growth at the adjacent teaching and research hospitals. At the flagship IU Bloomington campus, planning efforts focused on the sensitive integration of significant academic growth, particularly in sciences and graduate schools, into an historic context characterized by limestone Collegiate Gothic architecture and woodland landscapes. The plan successfully integrated large new facilities through careful study of view corridors and scale and massing of new buildings, and by incorporating below-grade laboratory spaces.
Oehme, van Sweden & Associates IncLandscape Architecture
Smith Neubecker & Associates, Inc.Traffic & Transportation